Set up your account
To fully access this site, including the online directory, create a Membership Toolkit account and join the PTA. If you already have a Membership Toolkit account with another Ridgefield Public School, you can use the same log-in and password here. To check whether you have put in an order for PTA membership for this year, login and go to My Account > Previous Orders > Membership tab as in below screenshot.
Note that:
- If both parents are a PTA member, then both the "Parent" and "2nd Parent" will display Regular.
- If only one parent is a PTA member (only "Parent" displays Regular), then checking the directory should be done from that parent's account.
- Late in the school year, the PTA membership form is not available. If neither parent is a PTA member and would like to join the PTA for the current school year, send an email to
Returning User?
If you have a Membership Toolkit user account,
even with another organization,
you can log in here:
New User?
If you don't have a Membership Toolkit user account, you can create one now:
Quick Links
BES Website
Parent Portal
Full Calendar (PTA, Rotational, RPS)
District Calendar (All Schools)
Subscribe to Calendars
Delays and Early Dismissals
Parent Drop Off/Dismissal
School Dismissal Manager Info
School Lunch Menu
Food Services Information
School Payment Portal
RPS e-Backpack
E-Blast Archive
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, April 9
- Thursday, April 10
- Friday, April 11
- Monday, April 14
- Tuesday, April 15
- Wednesday, April 16
- Thursday, April 17