5th Grade PICNIC, Tuesday, June 20, 12pm-3pM

 KICKBALL - Parents vs. KIDS, Tuesday, June 20, 2pm-3pm

Starting at 2pm sharp,  during picnic , on the lower field.

If you plan to join the competition, please arrive promptly, as the kids will be waiting! 



** Picnic Rain date is Wed, June 21 , 9:30am-11:30am. 





Parents of 6th Graders:


Volunteer for Locker Orientation at ERMS- Wednesday,  August 23rd from 11-12 

ERMS offers an optional locker orientation day for incoming 6th graders. More info will come as the date gets closer. If you are interested in being added to the volunteer list please email Sharon D’Orso at thedorsos@comcast.net


Health Assessment due May 1, 2018. Please see the attached letter that is also going home in backpacks.Connecticut State law and Ridgefield Board of Education policy requires each pupil enrolled in our public schools to have a health assessment during their sixth and ninth grade years.